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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies calibrates Druck instruments to ensure their compliance with industry standards and requirements.

What are Druck Instruments?

Druck Instruments is a manufacturer revered for its ability to produce high precision calibration instruments and pressure sensors. Druck Instruments has a wide lineup of products that are commonly used for applications in the following industries:

More About Our Calibration Lab

Our state-of-the-art calibration lab has the resources needed to accommodate our clients’ complex needs. Our staff works diligently to meet, if not exceed, our clients’ expectations as we calibrate various types of equipment from numerous manufacturers, including Druck Instruments. We have an ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, ensuring that we provide high quality services that offer solutions that address our clients’ needs and concerns. Our calibration services help our clients as they do the following:

  • Verify and improve their equipment’s accuracy
  • Adhere to industry standards and guidelines
  • Increase consumer confidence in their products
  • Prolong the life of equipment

We offer competitively priced calibration services to businesses throughout the United States. We are also capable of conducting on-site services for some of our clients’ calibration needs, helping to minimize any unnecessary downtime or financial losses.

When is it Important to Calibrate Instruments?

In general, instruments should be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s suggestions. However, we recommend that our clients consider the following factors when scheduling their device for calibrations:

  • Frequency of use
  • Damage or potentially harmful
  • Before and after their use in a critical project

About Applied Technical Services

Founded in 1967, ATS provides professional services that aid commercial businesses as they seek to evaluate and improve their products and services to remain competitive and compliant with industry standards. We employ professionals with a wide range of backgrounds in engineering and various sciences. Collectively, our employees share decades of experience in industrial applications, which enables us to have a well-rounded perspective as we work diligently to deliver satisfactory solutions to our clients. Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more about our calibration services.

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