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ATS offers ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited Fluke meter calibration services to keep your devices operating at peak performance. We service a vast array of instrument types including process tools, multimeters, power supplies, sensors, scope meters, oscilloscopes, thermometers, insulation testers, ground resistance testers, and other Fluke devices.

All calibrations are traceable to the International System of Units (SI) through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). We include both As Found and As Left data, testing uncertainties, a certificate of calibration, a calibration label affixed to the equipment and/or container, and a tamper-proof calibration seal.

Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibration laboratories provide Fluke meter calibrations that are processed in accordance with the most demanding quality standards. Our Quality Management System is unmatched, meeting the guidelines of ISO 9001:2015, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, ISO/IEC 17025, 10CFR Part 21, and 10CFR50 Appendix B.

ATS Works With You

Our Fluke meter calibrations are available in-house at our state-of-the-art metrology laboratories or onsite at your facility. We offer calibrations that meet published OEM specifications as well as calibrations that meet your specific requirements. Standard turnaround for Fluke calibrations is between 5 and 7 days, however, expedited service is also available upon request.

Our iPortal system allows for easy online access to your equipment calibration records. This interface keeps you updated on the status of your equipment, provides you with electronic copies of certificate, and also provides recommendations for your next calibration due date.

Why Calibrate?

Measurement devices are essential to keeping your production processes accurate and efficient. They control the quality of your work and are crucial to helping your business achieve the most favorable outcomes. Regular calibration of your Fluke instruments ensures that your quality standards are always in agreement with the customer’s expectation.

We are constantly adding Fluke measurement equipment to our list, and we also service instruments from a multitude of other manufacturers. If you did not see your specific model mentioned, or to find out more about how ATS metrology can help lower your costs and enhance your reliability, contact us.

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