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The Applied Technical Service (ATS) Family of Companies aims to deliver sustainable solutions by offering high-quality mass calibration lab services. Mass calibration is an important component of industrial practices and processes because it helps ensure uniformity across measurements. Imagine how hectic and unpredictable manufacturing processes would become if a weight’s value differed from the assumed amount. Fortunately, mass calibration labs such as ATS, have the expertise and equipment needed to confirm the accuracy of test weights by comparing them to a standard weight.

Our Mass Calibration Lab

Our mass calibration lab is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory that adheres to internationally recognized quality standards that ensure that our equipment is well maintained, and our staff is highly qualified. Our calibration specialists conduct diligent and detailed test weight calibrations so our clients can focus their efforts elsewhere. We calibrate numerous types of test weights, including:

  • Cast iron weights
  • Stainless steel weights
  • Precision weights
  • Pound weights
  • Hanging weights
  • Metric weights
  • Slotted weights
  • Leaf weights

Additional types of Calibration Testing

Any scale or balance used for commercial purposes must undergo additional calibration. Scale technicians predominantly use the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Conference of Weights and Measures (NCWM) calibration standards to verify the equipment’s performance. Manufacturers must also meet other calibration standards specific to their industry. In addition to our test weight calibration services, we offer calibrations for the following types of equipment.

  • Balances
  • Bench Scales
  • Checkweighers
  • Counting Scales
  • Dimensional Equipment
  • Floor Scales
  • Forklift/Fork Truck Scales
  • Tank and Hopper Scales
  • Truck and Rail Scales

Quality Assurance

The ATS Family of Companies possesses company accreditations and certified technicians that speak to our company’s level of standards. We are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited to perform mass calibration lab services, and our calibration specialists are Certified Weight Technicians (CWT). They obtain this certification through the International Society of Weights and Measures (ISWM) after formal training on the NIST H44 documentary standards.

Our weight standards are traceable to the NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology), and our lab is certified in numerous mass calibration tests, ranging from small lab balances to large truck scales. Choose the ATS Family of Companies if you need mass calibration lab services to ensure your scales and balances are calibrated, compliant, and functional.

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