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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) offers turbine flow calibrations to ensure our clients’ turbine flow meters remain accurate and reliable after repeated use. Turbine flow meters are popular amongst numerous industries where manufacturers rely on accurate and reliable readings. Our turbine flow meter calibration services help ensure our clients’ operations remain efficient.

What is a Turbine Flow Meter, and How Do They Work?

Turbine flow meters measure the velocity of gases, vapors, and liquids. These popular devices provide highly accurate measurements, making them a popular choice for various commercial and industrial markets such as chemical, water, and gas. During the operation of turbine meters, the fluid provides mechanical energy to the turbine, causing it to rotate. The fluid’s velocity spins the turbine, which measures the flow of a gas, liquid, or vapor.

Our Turbine Flow Meter Calibration Services

While manufacturers do calibrate their turbine flow meters during production, the device will become increasingly inaccurate over time and after repeated use. Our calibration specialist conducts turbine flow meter calibrations that verify the accuracy of our clients’ turbine flow meters. Our calibrations are traceable to the NIST, ensuring our calibration procedures adhere to industry standards and guidelines.

  • Unforeseen and Costly Accidents
  • Violations of Industry Regulations
  • Inaccurate Readings
  • Increased Odds

Our Commitment to Quality

The Applied Technical Family of Companies specializes in professional inspection, testing, consulting engineering, and calibration services. As an ISO 9001:2015 registered entity, our employees work closely with clients to ensure their needs and concerns are addressed most efficiently and effectively. The ATS FoC houses numerous state-of-the-art ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited labs nationwide, where we conduct analysis, tests, and calibrations according to our clients’ testing specifications, industry standards, and regulations. Please submit an online request or call +1 (888) 287-5227 for additional information regarding our turbine flow meter calibration capabilities.

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