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Our Calibration Services

At Applied Technical Services, we deliver a host of calibration services for your equipment or devices — one of them being refractometer calibration. Our calibration labs are equipped with modern technology permitting us to calibrate your refractometer and many other devices with ease.

The Importance of Refractometer Calibration

Refractometers are most commonly used to measure liquid characteristics. Various industries utilize refractometers, ranging from automotive, manufacturing, and food & beverage. Since refractometers are used often in these industries, keeping them maintained and calibrated is critical for efficient and accurate measurements.

Industry-Specific Uses of Refractometers

  • Automotive – The automotive industry relies on refractometers to check and measure ethylene glycol-based and propylene glycol-based heat transfer fluids in car engines to ensure proper functioning of the vehicle
  • Manufacturing – Mechanical engineers use the device to assure that the heat engines of their mechanics are properly converting thermal energy to mechanical energy to elicit mechanical work
  • Food & Beverage – Food and beverage producers can use the devices to check the moisture content of their product to determine the quality and purity of the product.
  • Veterinary Medicine – Kidney health in cats, dogs, and other large animals are measured using three-scale refractometers

Our Focus on Customer Service

ATS offers accurate, reliable, and convenient service to our many clients expanding locally, nationally, and globally. All while staying true to our mission, we have proudly gained a reputation for setting high standards for the work we do and the services we provide. At ATS, we guarantee quick turnaround times of a standard 5-7 business days, precise data, and detailed reporting.

ATS Quality Assurance

We are an ISO 9001:2015-registered company that provides calibrations compliant with the applicable standards, including: ISO/IEC 17025:2017, 10 CFR 50 – Appendix B, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, and 10 CFR Part 21.

For more information on our refractometer calibration services, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

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