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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC), a network of calibration and testing companies that serves clients from coast to coast, is one of the nation’s leading accredited water flow meter calibration services providers. Our experts test and calibrate critical equipment for a multitude of industries, such as power generation and nuclear.

Water flow meters are especially significant to nuclear facilities, which require mass quantities of water at a consistent and exact flow rate for safe reactions, cooling, and moderation. A water flow meter is a type of liquid meter that calculates how quickly water flows through a pipe, indicating system efficiency. Regular calibration from an accredited firm enables water flow meters to take accurate measurements and calculations.

Calibrating Water Flow Meters

An ATS FoC calibration expert can travel to your location for an on-site calibration, or you can ship a component to our ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited lab. We work with various types of water flow meters:

To calibrate water flow meters, our calibration experts directly compare a client’s meter with a flow measurement standard under the same environmental and mechanical conditions. If your device’s reading deviates from the standard, our technicians can make adjustments or repairs to return the device to precise and accurate measurements.

Calibrations from the ATS FoC are NIST-traceable and comply with ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. Our experts can calibrate new and in-use meters from brand-name manufacturers. With a quick turnaround rate of 5 to 7 days, we can ensure your meter’s continued accuracy and precision. After calibrating equipment, we give clients a comprehensive report on as-found and as-left data. Clients also have 24/7 access to calibration certificates through our proprietary calibration software and smartphone application.

NIST-Traceable Capabilities

Our calibration laboratory uses state-of-the-art equipment maintained according to MIL-STD-45662A requirements. Our calibration systems can reach 900 gallons per minute (gpm) or 3,406.87 liters per minute (lpm). To calibrate water flow meters, we use four overlapping NIST-traceable water flow meter systems that check each other.

Flow Meter System – Primary A:

  • Flow rate range: 0.001 to 0.5 gpm (0.001 to 1.89 lpm)
  • Best measurement capability: 0.06%
  • Pressure range: 0 to 1,000 psig (0 to 69 bar)

Flow Meter System – Primary B:

  • Flow rate range: 0.05 to 16 gpm (0.189 to 60.8 lpm)
  • Best measurement capability: 0.06%
  • Pressure range: 0 to 1,000 psig (0 to 69 bar)

Flow Meter System – Primary C:

  • Flow rate range: 1 to 100 gpm (3.8 to 380 lpm)
  • Best measurement capability: 0.06%

Flow Meter System – Primary D:

  • Flow rate range: 50 to 900 gpm (190 to 3,400 lpm)
  • Best measurement capability: 0.10%

To calibrate meters in the field or our lab, we can use different methods and systems:

  • Gravimetric method (primary standard) range: 1 ccm to 300 lpm during laboratory calibrations
  • Coriolis flow system (secondary standard) range: 189 to 2,650 lpm for in-lab calibrations
  • Coriolis flow system (secondary standard) range: 0.06 to 378 lpm when calibrating in the field
  • Ultrasonic flow meter range: 2 to 48-inch lines for field and lab calibrations

About the ATS FoC

The ATS FoC provides calibration, consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services for national and international industries. With our headquarters in Marietta, Georgia, and locations in most states, ATS delivers service to clients throughout the United States and abroad, empowering businesses to make informed decisions based on expert advice and data. Our calibration team includes experts in nuclear plant instruments, calibration, and data collection.

We are accredited to provide calibrations under the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard. Additionally, our services comply with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1, 10 CFR Part 21, and 10 CFR 50 – Appendix B.

Contact Us

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 today to schedule on-site or laboratory calibration with an accredited water flow meter expert.

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