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As part of our extensive calibration capabilities, Applied Technical Services performs tape measure calibration.

Why Do Tape Measures Need Calibration?

Many industries rely on accurate measurements in their daily operations. However, incorrect or inconsistent data from uncalibrated tape measures can potentially result in larger issues later on – unnecessarily adding time and cost to a project. Tape measures can begin to lose accuracy as a consequence of wear and tear, erasure of painted markings, nicks and scratches, and blade wear on the leading edge.

Though our calibration services, ATS ensures that our clients’ measuring equipment meets their individual needs while satisfying industry standards.

Online Records

We offer clients online calibration records access through the iPortal web platform. iPortal hosts all calibration certificates, current asset status, asset history, and due date reports in one convenient location.

ATS Quality Assurance

Our calibration team knows the importance of obtaining accurate measurements. As part of our commitment to quality service, our calibration certificates include As Found and As Left Data and are traceable to the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST). We perform our work according to measurable objectives, defined processes, and stringent standards under an ISO certified quality program.

ATS Quality Standards

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
  • ISO/IEC 17025 Competency of Testing Calibration Labs
  • NCSL Z540-1 Calibration
  • 10CFR21 Reporting of Non-Conformances
  • 10CFR50 Appendix B Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear
  • ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Quality Assurance Requirements

Proven Hand-Held Tool Calibrations

  • Bore Gages
  • Calipers
  • Countersink Gages
  • Crimp Tools
  • Dial and Test Indicators
  • Height Gages
  • Length Scales
  • Levels
  • Tape Measures
  • Micrometers
  • Protractors

About ATS

Since 1987, Applied Technical Services has offered expert calibration services for a range of industries. If you are searching for a reputable tape measure calibration service provider, contact us today. All of our services are complemented by our high-quality service, timely turnaround, detailed reporting, and helpful client support.

Call +1 (888) 287-5227 to schedule calibrations with ATS!

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