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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies provides high-quality bore gauge calibration services. Bore gauges are popular in applications where cylinders, holes, and pipes must be measured with supreme precision. Our experienced calibration specialists ensure our clients’ bore gauges function as intended and produce accurate results.

What is a Bore Gauge?

Bore gauges are advanced measuring tools used to determine the measurements of a bore or hole. Bore gauges can acquire the measurements of holes of various shapes and sizes, so they’re essential in construction and manufacturing-related projects. These gauges consist of multiple moving parts and internal mechanisms, so the devices must undergo calibrations that verify the device’s ability to produce accurate results.

Our Depth Gauge Calibration Services

Our qualified team of experts uses our accredited facilities to ensure our clients’ bore gauges are accurate and function properly. We inspect the device for damage before cleaning it with a solution to prepare for the calibration procedure. Our technicians then set the gauge to the desired range before inserting a master ring into the bore gauge. The gauge is calibrated once its reading matches the known diameter of the master ring. We calibrate numerous types of depth gauges, including the following:

  • Digital / Electronic Depth Gauges
  • Depth Micrometers
  • Dial Depth Gauges
  • Vernier Depth Gauges

The Benefits of Bore Gauge Calibration Services

Our bore gauge calibration services help our clients do the following:

  • Meet Regulatory Requirements
  • Ensure the Precision of Their Measuring Instruments
  • Maintain Quality Control
  • Associated with Inaccurate Readings

Our Commitment to Quality

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies provides professional consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services promptly at a competitive price. We are ISO 9001:2015 registered quality management system that serves clients across various industries. Our experienced employees work closely with clients to devise strategies that address their unique needs while ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. Please submit an online request form or call +1 (888) 287-5227 to speak with an ATS representative about our bore gauge calibrations and additional calibration services.

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