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Utilizing our advanced Calibrations Lab, Applied Technical Services offers Medical Scale Calibration for clients seeking reliable and timely results. Proper scale calibration is quintessential to producing accurate results, especially in medical, laboratory, and consumer settings. If your scale’s calibration tolerance is incorrect, ATS technicians can calculate the correct calibration tolerance and remedy that issue. Additionally, scales may be Factory Calibrated at the time of purchase which may not suit your needs. The professionals at ATS can calibrate your scales to any relevant standard.

ATS Calibrations Lab

ATS’ Calibrations Lab employs the latest technology to perform reliable, accurate calibrations and inspections. We perform all in-lab calibrations in a climate-controlled room that we maintain within ±2°F of 68°F and a resting humidity between 30-55% as pertinent. Isolation joints in the lab floors help dampen vibrations to prevent disturbances from routine activity. We meticulously clean each scale before storing them for at least 24 hours, allowing them sufficient time to adjust to ambient conditions before they begin calibrating. Our specialists regularly conduct Medical Scale Calibrations – expertise that ensures quick turnarounds for client samples.

Quality Assurance

Applied Technical Services has been providing high-quality customer service for the past 55 years. We dedicate ourselves to providing quality calibration services by upholding the rigorous standards required to maintain both ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation and ISO 9001:2015 registration. Every calibration performed in our lab is traceable to NIST, The National Institute of Standard and Technology. We make all calibration statuses, results, and certificates available any time online through our iPortal. Contact ATS today to request your free quote on how we can meet your Medical Scale Calibration needs.

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