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Applied Technical Services can conduct pressure transducer calibration in our environmentally controlled calibration lab. We regularly calibrate pressure transducers both with and without displays. Our calibrations experts are also able to reconfigure clients’ pressure transducers to support displays. We utilize our dry air systems, which can generate pressures up to 1,000 psig and down to 0.001 in H20, to perform this type of calibration.

Calibrations Lab

The calibrations lab at Applied Technical Services is an environmentally controlled lab capable of producing highly precise conditions and measurements. We maintain the lab at 68 °F within +/- 2.0 °F and 30-55% relative humidity as appropriate. The floors of the lab also contain isolation joints to reduce the effects of vibrations. All pressure transducers are thoroughly cleaned and set aside to adjust to ambient temperature for at least 24 hours before calibrations begin.

ATS Quality Assurance

Applied Technical Services remains dedicated to providing high-quality service to all clients. All calibrations are traceable to NIST, The National Institute of Standard and Technology. Our lab is ISO 9001:2015 registered and ISO/IEC 17025 accredited to perform pressure transducer calibration. All calibration certificates, statuses, and results are available online 24/7 through our client portal.

Contact Us

Contact ATS to request your free quote for your pressure transducer calibration requirements.

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