Two forensic consultants walk through an industrial tunnel. The male consultant points upward and doesn't touch the top of the tunnel. Their shadows curve on the walls.

Forensic Consultants

Forensic consultants provide new perspectives and capabilities to projects. ATS’ forensic consultants can identify damages, defects, and their causes. In certain cases, they may recommend repairs. They can also assess the code compliance of a structure or system. Finally, many of our consultants are qualified to provide expert witness testimony.
Clients may request forensic consultants for multiple reasons, such as:
Forensic Inspections
Our forensic consultants can perform forensic inspections of damaged structures and malfunctioning equipment.

Buildings and Other Structures

A forensic structural engineer assesses critical damage to a building after a natural disaster, such as a flood or storm. As part of the evaluation, ATS consultants can use thermal imaging, X-bot inspections, moisture meters, and other equipment for destructive and nondestructive testing. Our experts may take samples for mold and asbestos identification, chemical analysis, and materials testing.

Vehicles and Equipment

After a vehicular accident, ATS consultants can determine the cause of the collision and create a reconstruction of the event based on witness statements, evidence, and measurements from the crash site, vehicle inspections, photos, and scans of the crash site and vehicles involved.
Professional mechanical engineers from ATS may examine a faulty appliance or vehicle component to identify the cause of a failure. Our experts have experience in mechanical failure analysis of heavy equipment, appliances, and vehicles.
Code Compliance
ATS consultants can determine whether a building meets the current building code and, if not, what measures a property owner should take to meet the latest recommendations. For example, our electrical engineers gauge if electrical systems follow NEC guidelines and the safety of elevators and escalators. Our forensic consultants can also evaluate potential slip, trip, and fall hazards in a premises liability inspection.
After assessing code compliance, forensic consultants may:
Expert Witness Testimony
Court-qualified engineering and biomechanical engineering consultants make trustworthy expert witnesses before a jury or insurance panel. When a case involves injuries, our biomechanical engineers can testify about the consistency of the reported injuries from an accident or equipment failure with the facts of the case. In states that permit accident reconstructions as evidence, a court-qualified forensic consultant can present a visual reconstruction of a crash.
ATS offers evidence storage in a secure, climate-controlled environment during testing, insurance, and legal proceedings. We also support joint investigations for litigation.
About the ATS Family of Companies
ATS is a growing firm based in Marietta, Georgia. Since our founding in 1967, ATS has dedicated its staff and capabilities to providing clients with high-quality services, prompt testing, and detailed analysis.
We have expanded our services under four categories: consulting engineering, calibrations, inspections, and testing. Over the past decade, we have acquired a family of companies that reaches customers internationally.
Our forensic lab holds A2LA certification in mechanical, chemical, electrical, and nondestructive testing. We also have NADCAP approval for nondestructive and materials testing. For more information on our qualifications, click here.
Contact Us
Call +1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more about U.S. Forensic consultants today. To request our services, please complete the webform on this page or call the ATS phone number.

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Forensic Services