Nerve Injury Expert Witness

Sports Injury Expert Witness

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies offers a wide range of litigation support services, ranging from comprehensive forensic investigations to sports injury expert witness services.
Sports Injury Expert Witness Services
ATS connects clients, legal teams, and insurance companies with sports injury experts with specialized knowledge and experience in sports medicine. Our expert witnesses provide thorough litigation support in and out of the courtroom. These services include but are not limited to:
As our sports injury experts have extensive experience in all relevant fields, their services typically begin with a thorough review of all case materials. This includes medical records, equipment or other physical evidence, any media documenting the incident, injury reports, and any other relevant information available. Injuries are then analyzed to determine the extent of damage as well as to verify correlation and causation between the incident and the injury. Our experts assess how and why the injury occurred, including all possible factors that led to the incident. This analysis helps our sports injury expert witnesses develop an informed opinion on the case to determine if there were any safety failures or mistakes made by organizations, coaches, trainers, or other staff that could have contributed to the incident.
Our sports injury experts provide credible, knowledgeable testimony in court proceedings, thoroughly explaining details to the judge and jury in terms that are accessible to those without a medical background. These experts have in-depth experience providing consultation services for legal teams to help develop optimized strategies, also providing extensive reporting and documentation to summarize opinions and findings that can be used in legal proceedings.
Additional Expert Witness Services at ATS
The litigation support professionals at Applied Technical Services connect clients with expert witnesses in countless fields, including but not limited to:
Applied Technical Services - A Leader in Litigation Support
With decades of experience serving as one of the nation’s premier litigation support and forensic investigation service providers, the proven experts at Applied Technical Services are committed to our clients. Get in touch today for additional information or a free quote on our sports injury expert witness services by calling 1 (888) 287-5227.
Map of ATS Family of Companies Forensic Providers

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Forensic Services