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Applied Technical Services’ ASTM D523 testing services measure the specular gloss of nonmetallic specimens. Specular gloss is an optical property that refers to a surface’s ability to reflect light. Consumers often heavily consider a product’s visual appearance before making purchases, so manufacturers use gloss measurements to evaluate the optical quality of their products.

What Is ASTM D523?

ASTM D523 is a standard test method for determining a sample’s specular gloss. During the procedure, experts apply a calibrated gloss meter to a material at a specified angle of reflection to measure the surface’s ability to reflect light. Experts often take measurements on large, homogenous, flat, and clean surfaces with multiple data points to produce consistent results, but using a small surface is also acceptable.

Why are ASTM Testing Standards Important?

The American Society for Testing and Materials, or ASTM, develops internationally recognized voluntary consensus standards that improve the quality, safety, and standardization of products and product development. Professionals in various industries rely on ASTM standards to ensure that their practices adhere to the uniform standard of ASTM protocols. Government agencies often cite ASTM standards in codes, laws, and regulations because ASTM safety standards ensure the use of high-quality materials and professional practices.

About Our ASTM Testing Capabilities

Applied Technical Services houses multiple ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited labs capable of conducting ASTM-compliant testing and analysis services. Our experienced professionals use our state-of-the-art facilities to provide the following:

  • Chemical Analysis
  • Environmental Testing
  • Mechanical Testing
  • Metallurgical Testing

Our ASTM services benefit numerous industries, including the following:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Chemical
  • Construction
  • Consumer Products
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and Gas
  • Power Generation
  • Renewable Energy

Our Commitment to Quality

Applied Technical Services provides quality consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services to clients worldwide. Since our founding in 1967, we have expanded from a local business to a globally respected operation. As an ISO 9001:2015-registered qualified management system, we remain committed to the improvement and expansion of our services for the benefit of our clients. We address the needs of our clients by providing the following:

  • Prompt and Professional Service
  • Clear and Accurate Data
  • Experienced and Qualified Employees
  • Services Compliant with Relevant Standards

Please submit a web request or call +1 (888) 287-5227 for more information our ASTM testing lab.

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