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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) uses the ASTM D5984 standard to evaluate how environmental conditions affect painted metals. Paint coatings are not only important to the visual aesthetics of metals, but also their durability. Coatings serve as a protective layer for metals, guarding them from moisture and corrosive elements. Our coating testing experts conduct comprehensive tests ensuring that our clients’ paint coatings are effective in various conditions.

What is ASTM D5894?

The American Society for Testing and Materials created the ASTM D5894 standard for those simulating how outdoor elements impact a painted metal sample. During the test process, technicians subject samples to cycles of environmental conditions and events such as rain, salt water, UV light, and temperature fluctuations, all of which can contribute to a materialโ€™s corrosion during real-world use.

Our Coating Testing Capabilities

Our state-of-the-art labs facilitate ASTM-compliant services that help businesses evaluate the durability of their products and materials. ย We recognize how important coatings can be so we work diligently to conduct in-depth evaluations that ensure that coatings provide the protections needed in specific conditions. We offer a wide range of coating-related environmental tests, including:

  • Abrasion
  • Adhesion
  • Characterization
  • Resistance to environmental conditions

Why is it Important to Test Coatings?

Technology has evolved to a point where businesses can now use controlled lab experiments to see how their products may handle harsh elements during their service. These sorts of tests are important for all types of materials, but theyโ€™re especially important for coatings because a materialโ€™s durability can be highly dependent on its coatingโ€™s effectiveness. By being proactive and inspecting coatings early in the manufacturing process, businesses can ensure that their products are safeguarded from harsh elements long before they reach consumers.

Our Commitment to Quality

The ATS Family of Companies is a widespread network of businesses, experts, and labs specializing in engineering and various sciences. Our employees use their expertise and passion for customer service to facilitate high-quality services with promptness and precision. We take immense pride in our ability to offer world-class services at competitive prices. For more about the ATS FoC and our many capabilities, please call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit an online inquiry.

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