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How well a paint sticks to a substrate depends on the interaction between the two materials during the application. The strength of the bond between the substrate and the paint dictates how well it will withstand the characteristics of its immediate surroundings. Implications of adhesive strength are not easily observable by the naked eye. Therefore, ASTM paint adhesion testing is necessary to determine whether paint will perform in accordance with industry standards during its functioning life.

Paint adhesion testing determines what the minimum amount of duress required is to cause the adhesion to fail. At ATS we also offer coating failure analysis testing, working with various industries including but not limited to, automotive, military, nuclear, textile, consumer products, and government infrastructure.

ASTM Paint Adhesion Testing Methods and Standards

There are three primary paint adhesion tests we perform in assessing the resistance of paints:

  • Cross-Cut Test: This method is utilized in evaluating the adhesion of either one or multiple coats. The procedure consists of cutting a pattern of perpendicular lines through the adhesive all the way to the substrate, then spreading pressure-sensitive tape over the cuts and rapidly pulling it off. Qualitative measurements are quickly observable and result in either pass/fail or on a scale of 0–5 in accordance with ASTM D3359 procedure specifications.
  • Scrape Test: This method tests adhesion of paints, coatings, lacquers, and varnishes. It occurs in a laboratory environment rather than on-site. The procedure consists of applying the adhesive to a smooth substrate at a uniform thickness, then applying a rounded stylus at increasing amounts of pressure until the adhesive is removed. Quantitative results are measured in accordance with ASTM D2197 procedure specifications.
  • Pull-Off Test: This method assesses the adhesion of either one or multiple coatings on a smooth surface by applying tensile stress (rather than shear stress measured in the previous two tests) from a dolly to the surface. The load is slowly increased until the dolly along with the adhesive layers is removed. This procedure can also be administered on-site and provides quantitative results in accordance with ASTM D4541 and ISO 4624 procedure specifications.

Applied Technical Services

Our experts conduct ASTM paint adhesion testing in compliance with the international standards established by the American Society for Testing Materials and the International Standardization Organization. At Applied Technical Services, we pride ourselves on our continual pursuit towards the improvement of quality standards and adhere to A2LA Accredited standard testing methods.

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