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Applied Technical Services’ ASTM D790 testing procedures determine the flexural properties of unreinforced and reinforced plastics, electrical insulation materials, and high-modulus composites.

What is Flexural Strength, and Why is it Important?

Flexural strength, or bending strength, refers to the maximum bending stress a material can endure before it yields. Manufacturers rely on flexural strength testing to evaluate how products and materials resist deformation under stressful loads. Flexural strength tests aid manufacturers in various processes, including the following:

  • Material Selection
  • Product Design
  • Quality Control
  • Service Life Projection

ASTM D790 Testing Explained

The ASTM D790 testing standard consists of two test procedures. Each method correlates to material’s specific strain limit. Procedure A, the preferred method, employs a strain rate of 0.10 mm/mm/min and is ideal for materials that break at small deflections. Procedure B works for materials that don’t yield or rupture within the 5% strain limit when following the protocol of Procedure A. 

Technicians prepare for the procedure by configuring the testing equipment to the client’s specifications. To begin the process, technicians lay a rectangular specimen across two supports before applying a load to the material. Technicians apply the load until the sample deforms or reaches a maximum strain of 5%. The ASTM D790 testing procedure provides information on the following:

  • Chord Modulus
  • Flexural Strength
  • Flexural Stress at Break
  • Secant Modulus
  • Tangent Modulus

More About Our ASTM Testing Capabilities

We offer an extensive list of ASTM-compliant services that benefit clients nationwide. Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017-accredited testing labs and facilities provide on-site and laboratory services promptly and at a competitive price to ensure the satisfaction of our clients. Our experienced professionals share decades of collective experiences in the following:

  • Chemical Analysis
  • Environmental Testing
  • Mechanical Testing
  • Metallurgical Testing

About Applied Technical Services

Applied Technical Services offers professional consulting engineering, inspection, and testing services in accordance with nationally and internationally recognized standards. As an ISO 9001:2015-registered management system, we have remained committed to expanding and improving our operation throughout our 55 years in business. Each of our employees displays the passion and professionalism required to serve clients in various industrial sectors. Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 for additional information about our ASTM testing capabilities.

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