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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) uses the ASTM D1654 testing standard to evaluate the corrosion resistance of metal pretreatments and coatings. Coatings are immensely important to the well-being and long-term viability of a product. The ATS FoCโ€™s coating test labs conduct the services needed to ensure that coatings are resistant to various types of conditions they will likely see during their end use.

What is ASTM D1654?

The American Society for Testing and Materials created the ASTM D1654 standard for those analyzing and comparing how substrates and coating systems respond to prolonged exposure to corrosive elements. During the testing process, technicians subject samples to corrosive conditions such as chemical immersion and salt spray to simulate the conditions seen in real-world applications. After the samples undergo adequate exposure to the corrosive environments, experts determine the sample’s performance by observing signs of coating failure, such as:

  • Blistering
  • Cracking
  • Localized corrosion
  • Peeling

Our ASTM-Compliant Coating Services

The ATS Family of Companies provides coating tests for a wide range of products and materials that span a variety of industries. We can manufacturers confirm the quality of their coating services so they can rest assured knowing their products will meet the demands of their customers. In addition to ASTM D1654, we comply with various other ASTM standards that evaluate how coating systems combat corrosion, including:

  • ASTM D4587
  • ASTM D610
  • ASTM D714
  • ASTM D7869

How Do Third Partying Coating Testing Labs Help Businesses?

Independent testing labs such as ATS, help clients develop an objective understanding of their productโ€™s strengths and shortcomings. Coating testing labs help their clients gain a deeper understanding of how their coating systems respond to different environmental and mechanical conditions. Third-party coating testing labs help their clients adhere to industry standards, reduce expenses caused by recalls, and evaluate how coatings withstand the stresses associated with their intended task.

Our Commitment to Quality

The Applied Technical Services FoC is a collective of reputable companies specializing in industrial inspection, testing, and analysis services. We have a talented team of experts who use their experience in engineering and various services to provide professional and competitively priced services for clients in a wide range of industries. For more information regarding our ASTM-compliant services, please call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit an online request form.

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