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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) evaluates total shoulder replacement (TSR) glenoid locking mechanisms in compliance with the ASTM F1829 glenoid locking mechanism shear testing standard.

Total replacement surgery is a common procedure used to treat excessive soft tissue damage, bone fractures, and arthritis. Our medical device testing lab assists clients as they design, develop, and qualify their glenoid components for the marketplace.

The ASTM F1829 Glenoid Locking Mechanism Shear Testing Standard

The American Society for Testing and Materials developed ASTM F1829 as an outline for engineers evaluating a shoulder prosthesesโ€™ metal-backed glenoid prostheses mechanism. The standard addresses the process needed to measure the mechanismโ€™s resistance to static shear loading. During the procedure, technicians apply a vertical load to the specimen and document the rate of loosening.

Why is Glenoid Locking Mechanism Testing Important?

Glenoid locking mechanisms are essential in shoulder joint replacements. They provide stability and prevent the glenoid component from dislodging or loosening over time. Testing the glenoid locking mechanism is crucial to ensure its proper function and longevity and avoid complications from its failure.

About Our Medical Device Testing Lab

Medical device testing labs ensure the safety and efficacy of medical devices. Our medical device testing lab features specialized equipment that our skilled professionals use to perform ASTM and ISO-compliant tests on medical devices, including:

  • Dental
  • Joint Replacement
  • Spine
  • Extremities

Our labโ€™s services help determine whether a medical device is safe and effective for patient use. Testing labs also play a crucial role in identifying potential design or manufacturing defects, which can help to improve the quality of medical devices and reduce the risk of harm to patients. We take pride in helping companies accomplish their goals, and our labs adhere to internationally recognized quality standards.

Our Commitment to Quality

The Applied Technical Services FoC conducts professional inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services for various industries. Our ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited labs specialize in the following:

Contact Us

Please consider the ATS FoC for your ASTM F1829 glenoid locking mechanism shear testing needs and call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit an online request.

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