The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) measures the tear resistance of thin sheeting and plastic film. Plastics and other types of thin sheeting are popular materials across various industries, and theyโre revered for their durability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Our experts use our cutting-edge equipment and A2LA facilities to investigate materials so that our clients can have a better understanding of their productโs potential.
What is ASTM D1922?
The American Society for Testing and Materialโs ASTM D1922 testing standard outlines procedures to help experts rank and compare the tearing resistance of multiple types of plastic films and thin sheeting. During the procedure, technicians use an Elmendorf-type tearing tester when measuring the amount of energy thatโs absorbed during tear propagation. The standard is commonly applied to packaging applications because it effectively simulates the straining rates seen in real-world conditions.
Our ASTM D1922 Testing Services
Our mechanical testing experts use the ASTM D1922 standard to help our clients comply with standards and ensure the safety and durability of products. The data we gather from our testing can be highly beneficial to those seeking to improve the tear resistance of their plastics and sheeting. Our services are especially important for manufacturers operating in the packaging, manufacturing, and construction industries.
Why is It Important to Determine Tear Resistance?
Tear resistance is an important mechanical property when determining whether a material is suitable for certain applications. Tear resistance testing helps manufacturers maintain their quality control, ensuring that their product design offers the long-term reliability needed to succeed in different end-uses.
About the ATS Family of Companies
The ATS FoC performs various inspection, testing, and analysis services for clients seeking to comply with regulations and improve their products and operations. We are made up of dozens of companies that unite under one mission to help our customers support their operations and benefit their communities. Please give us a call at +1 (888) 287-5227ย or submit a web request form to get in touch with a representative who can provide additional information.