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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) performs Gardner impact testing in compliance with ASTM D5420 testing standards.

What is Gardner Impact Testing and ATSM D5420?

Gardner impact testing, also known as falling dart impact is a testing procedure that determines the toughness and impact strength of plastic materials. The test has been widely used across industries because of its effectiveness in predicting the functionality and suitability of materials needed for impact-related tasks and environments.

The American Society for Testing and Materials developed ASTM D5420 as an outline for those evaluating the impact resistance of flat and rigid plastic samples. During the test, technicians drop weight from predetermined heights onto a striker sitting atop the specimen. Technicians record the drop weight and height and issue the specimen a pass or fail rating. The test is commonly completed using the โ€œBruceton Staircaseโ€ method which uses multiple samples until failure occurs before decreasing the drop height and weight until all samples are used.

Our ASTM D5420 Testing Services

Our knowledgeable and experienced experts offer ASTM D5420-compliant services that provide insight into the strengths and limitations of polymer materials. The data generated by our services helps clients make informed decisions regarding their material selection and quality control processes and strategies.

Why is it Important to Conduct Impact Tests on Polymers?

Polymers are highly versatile materials, but it is still important that manufacturers evaluate them thoroughly to develop a more accurate profile of their capabilities and behaviors under specific conditions. Gardner impact tests are an effective way to subject materials to conditions they may endure in their intended applications. The data collected from an impact test will reveal information about the following:

  • Durability
  • Toughness
  • Brittleness

About the ATS FoC

The ATS Family of Companies is a reputable network of companies that use their A2LA accredited labs, highly trained experts, and excellent customer service to meet the demands of clients. In our nearly 60 years of business, weโ€™ve fostered a positive relationship with our clients, and we take immense pride in our ability to help them reach their goals and meet their deadlines. Please submit a web request form or call +1 (888) 287-5227 to learn more about our services.

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