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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) evaluates the tearing strength of fabrics in accordance with the ASTM D1424. Fabrics are a key component of industrial processes and products, and their performance and resilience are vital to the success and longevity of many industries. Here at the ATS FoC, we work closely with our clients to ensure that their textile fabrics not only perform to industry standards and expectations but also their companyโ€™s unique specifications.

What is ASTM D1424?

The American Society for Testing and Materials developed ASTM D1424 to create uniformity amongst experts using a falling pendulum-type apparatus to determine the tearing strength of commercial fabrics. The testing standard applies to various types of fabrics, including the following:

  • Air bag fabrics
  • Blankets
  • Layered fabrics
  • Nap
  • Woven fabrics

The fabrics suitable for the test method may be coated, heavily sized, resin-treated, or untreated.

Our Fabric Testing Services

Our highly educated mechanical testing experts lead our fabric testing services, ensuring that our clients’ textile fabrics match the functionality needed to comply with common industry standards, such as those published by ASTM. In addition to our ASTM D1424 testing services, we perform other fabric-related and ASTM-compliant tests, such as ASTM D3884.

Why is It Important to Test the Tear Strength of Fabrics?

Manufacturers must consider a textile fabricโ€™s tear strength when theyโ€™re seeking to determine the materialโ€™s durability, safety, and general ability to excel in specific situations and for its intended application. The information collected during textile fabric tear tests can help manufacturers with the following:

  • Improve material selection processes
  • Optimizing manufacturing strategies to improve fabric performance
  • Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations
  • Prevent product failure
  • Maintain durable products and ensure the safety of end users

Our Commitment to Our Clients

For over 50 years, the Applied Technical Services FoC has worked alongside its clients to deliver professional and precise testing, inspection, analysis, and calibration services for competitive rates. Since our founding, we have continued to invest in our infrastructure, staff, and capabilities to grow our list of services as our clients’ needs and interests expand into new markets. Please call +1 (888) 287-5227ย or complete and submit a web request form to speak with an ATS representative who can clarify how our departments can help your organization address its needs.

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