Applied Technical Services conducts ASTM E45 testing to determine the inclusion content of steel alloys. Inclusion can have an immense effect on mechanical properties, so it’s essential to identify the composition, distribution, size, and number of inclusions present in steel materials.
What is Inclusion Content?
Inclusion content refers to compound materials embedded within steel materials during manufacturing. Experts generally associate lower inclusion content with higher quality steel; however, many inclusions provide mechanical properties to steel that may be beneficial for specific tasks. Examples include:
- Corrosion Existence
- Formability
- Machinability
- Toughness
What is ASTM E45 Testing?
ASTM E45 is an internationally recognized standard test method for measuring the inclusion content in steel. During the procedure, technicians compare a live microscopic image to a micrograph chart to evaluate inclusion type and severity. Following their evaluation, experts categorize inclusions as one of the following:
- Oxides
- Nitrides
- Phosphides
- Silicates
- Sulfides
Why Is Inclusion Content Testing Important?
As previously mentioned, experts often correlate inclusion content with the quality of steel materials, but why? Well, a material’s microstructure is very revealing and often influences steel alloys’ mechanical and structural properties. Manufacturers consider a material’s inclusion content when determining its purpose and application. Inclusion content testing also helps manufacturers maintain quality control in their production of steel materials.
More About Our ASTM Testing Capabilities
ASTM, or the American Society for Testing and Materials, develops and publishes internationally accepted standards to improve product testing quality, safety, and standardization. Our accredited facilities offer an extensive list of ASTM testing services that benefit various industries, from aerospace and automotive to construction and manufacturing. We offer chemical, environmental, mechanical, and metallurgical testing services in accordance with ASTM standards to ensure that our procedures adhere to the uniform standard.
About Applied Technical Services
Applied Technical Services provides professional testing, inspection, and consulting engineering services to clients in various industries. Founded in 1967, we have grown from a local business to an international operation through our commitment to professional practices, safety, financial stability, and service excellence. To ensure client satisfaction, we offer competitively priced services that address the specific needs of our clients while complying with the relevant standards. Our employees keep an open line of communication with clients throughout the service process to foster a positive and transparent business-client relationship. Please submit a web request form for a free quote for our ASTM E45 testing services.