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Salt Fog Testing

A wide variety of industries—from automotive to infrastructure—must address how weathering affects their products. Corrosion is one of the most common problems arising from exposure to weathering conditions. ATS helps our clients assess the quality and integrity of their products’ corrosive resistance by providing accelerated corrosion testing. Salt fog testing is a form of corrosion testing that evaluates how weathering conditions such as moisture and salinity affect a product’s durability, structural integrity, color, and surface condition, among other qualities. We perform salt fog tests for metals, coatings, and finishes, utilizing a range of standards, including ASTM G85 testing.

The ASTM G85 Standard

ASTM G85 is a set of modifications to the ASTM B117 salt spray test. The annexes in this standard offer more aggressive conditions than the ASTM B117 standard. ASTM G85 applies to both ferrous and nonferrous metals, as well as organic and inorganic coatings. Our salt spray testing lab is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited to perform several annexes within ASTM G85 testing.

A1: Acetic Acid Salt Fog

Annex A1 measures the relative corrosion resistance of chromium plating on die-cast zinc and steel. This test uses a continuous spray of acidified 5% salt solution. The test chamber maintains an elevated temperature, normally between 144 and 240 hours.

A2: Cyclic Acidified Salt Fog

Annex A2 measures the relative corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys. This test uses a more acidic saltwater solution than annex A1, with a lower pH. The test chamber alternates between spray, dry, and humid cycles at an elevated temperature. A2 can test exfoliation on aluminum alloys, measuring the rate that corrosion deposits form and crumble off the sample.

A3: Acidified Synthetic Sea Water Fog (SWAAT)

Annex A3 measures the relative corrosion resistance of coated and uncoated metals. This test uses a synthetic sea salt solution, rather than the usual sodium chloride spray. The solution is acidified to a low pH. The chamber alternates between spray and humidity cycles, maintaining a temperature of 49 degrees Celsius, or lower for organic coatings.

A5: Dilute Electrolyte Cyclic Fog Dry Test

Annex A5 measures the relative corrosion resistance of paint on steel. A5 applies to products such as prefinished steel building materials. This method consists of a two-part repeating cycle. The first part exposes the sample to an acidified saltwater spray; the second is a dry purge climate at a higher temperature.

Quality Salt Fog Testing

For over 50 years, Applied Technical Services has provided high-quality testing and inspection services. Our salt fog testing lab evaluates products, plating, coatings in compliance with ASTM, SAE, ISO, and MIL-STD standards, among others. We can supply all calibration and compliance data for the salt fog chamber and detailed photographs of samples at specified intervals. Our experts report clear, accurate data as quickly as possible. If you need ASTM G85 testing, contact ATS today.

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