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Applied Technical Services performs container and packaging testing in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materialsโ€™ ASTM D4332 standard. ASTM D4332 testing is conducted in our state-of-the-art package testing laboratory.

ASTM D4332-22: Environmental Package and Container Testing

ASTM D4332-22 is a standard used to simulate the conditions a package in transit may experience and sets the environmental and atmospheric testing parameters for conditioning packaging components and shipping containers. Package transit testing allows the analysis of a package as it travels through various different climates, ranging from tropical to extreme cold. This can help identify potential flaws in different aspects of a packageโ€™s structure and ultimately prevent failure.

Package Testing Methods

In addition to ASTM D4332 testing, ATS performs several different types of package and container testing services. Some of our most popular package testing services include:

  • Concentrated Edge Impact Testing
  • Rotational Flat Drop Testing
  • Full Rotational Flat Drop Testing
  • Bridge Impact Testing
  • Free-Fall Drop Testing
  • Drop Onto Hazard Testing
  • Tip-Over Testing
  • Vibration Testing
  • Shock Impact Testing

Environmental Testing at ATS

Applied Technical Servicesโ€™ environmental testing laboratories feature highly advanced technologies and are staffed by some of the industryโ€™s most proficient environmental testing experts. We offer a wide range of environmental testing services, ranging from corrosion testing to electromagnetic interference and compatibility testing. Some of our most popular environmental testing services include:

  • Aging Testing
  • Altitude Testing
  • Automotive Testing
  • Corrosion Testing
  • Flammability Testing
  • Waterproofing/Ingress Protection Testing
  • Package Testing
  • Painting and Coating Testing
  • Product Analysis Services
  • Salt Spray Testing
  • Temperature/Thermal Testing
  • UV/Xenon/Solar Testing
  • Dynamic/Vibration Testing
  • Weathering Testing

Applied Technical Services

With over 55 years of experience as one of the nationโ€™s most well-established industrial testing, analysis, and inspection providers, Applied Technical Services has the knowledge, skills, and resources to ensure the highest level of service quality. Founded in 1967, ATS serves some of the countryโ€™s most reputable industry leaders working in the aviation, aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, oil and gas, nuclear, power generation, renewable energy, building and construction, healthcare, insurance, and legal industries. Our package testing laboratory is ISO 9001:2015 certified to ensure reliability and precise reporting, and we maintain several ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditations. Contact the proven ASTM D4332 testing experts at ATS today by giving us a call at 1 (888) 287-5227 or clicking here.

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