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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) uses the ASTM D610 standard to evaluate the presence of rust on painted services. Manufacturers use coating systems to protect products and materials from rust and other corrosive processes. Over time, a coating will fail and need repair or replacement. Our environmental testing lab determines the status of coatings so that our clients can make informed decisions about their products.

What is ASTM D610?

The American Society for Testing and Materials established the ASTM D610 as the standardized method for professionals inspecting rust on painted steel surfaces. The standard uses a numerical scale ranging from 0 to 10 to quantify the degree of rust present on a sample. The scale’s ranking system works inversely, so the lower the number, the higher the amount of rust. For example, if a sample receives a score of 0, its degree of rusting exceeds 50 percent, whereas a sample given a score of 10 has a degree of rusting less than or equal to 0.01 percent. The scoring system creates uniformity amongst coating tests, making it easier for manufacturers to quickly compare a coating’s performance to another coating.

Our Coating Testing Lab

Our coating testing lab is run by highly trained and professional experts who prioritize the experience of our clients by providing swift and comprehensive services for competitive prices. We recognize the importance of high-quality coatings, so we offer an extensive list of coating testing services that ensure that our clients’ unique specifications are met while also ensuring compliance with common coating-related standards, such as:

  • ASTM D714
  • ASTM D1654
  • DIN EN ISO 4628
  • ISO 7253

Why is the ASTM D610 Standard Important?

Rust assessments are an effective way to evaluate the amount of corrosion taking place underneath coated and painted surfaces. The presence of rust can have disastrous effects on a products performance and safety if left untreated. The ASTM D610 standard allows experts to observe the degree of rust present in a material so that clients can make informed decisions about the fate of the product.

Contact Us

The ATS Family of Companies offers a wide range of services that can help improve your company’s quality, efficiency, and bottom line. Please submit an online inquiry or call +1 (888) 287-5227 for additional information.

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