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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) evaluates bioabsorbable plates and screws for internal fixation implants in accordance with the ASTM F2502 absorbable plate and screw testing standard. Bioabsorbable plates and screws stabilize damaged tissue and bone, and unlike their metallic counterparts, these polymeric implants don’t require removal from the human body. Our medical device testing lab ensures our clients’ absorbable plates and screws are safe, effective, and ASTM F2502 compliant.

What is ASTM F2502?

The ASTM F2502 standard outlines the mechanical characterization of screws and plates for orthopedic internal fixation. The standard covers devices made from resin composites, absorbable resins, or hydrolytically degradable polymers. ASTM F2502 determines the fixation strength and stiffness of polymers, ensuring that absorbable plates and screws perform adequately.

About Our Medical Device Testing Services

Advancements in medical device technology have increased the demand for safe, reliable, and effective medical devices that improve the lives of patients and healthcare professionals worldwide. Our medical device testing lab helps manufacturers qualify their products for the marketplace. We offer a wide range of medical device testing services, including:

  • Dedicated Screw Testing
  • Non-Standard Testing
  • Instrument and Life Cycle Testing
  • Shear Testing
  • Simulation Testing

Our Commitment to Quality

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies offers high-quality inspection, testing, and consulting engineering services at a competitive price. We house multiple A2LA-accredited labs that conduct tests in compliance with our clients’ specifications while also adhering to industry standards and regulations. To ensure that our clients receive the best service possible, we provide the following:

  • Professional Service
  • Quick Turn-Around Times
  • Accurate Data
  • Services in Compliance with Industry Standards

The ATS FoC and its personnel are proud to deliver professional and prompt service at a competitive price. Please consider our medical device testing lab for your ASTM F2502 testing need and call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit a web request form.

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