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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies performs ASTM F2824 testing to assist clients in the verification of mechanical seal strength compliance with industry standards.

ASTM F2824 Testing Standard

ASTM F2824 is a standardized test method for mechanical seal strength testing containers with flexible, peelable lids established by ASTM International. This test method evaluates the seal strength of peelable lids on round packaging and containers to ensure the lid maintains both its seal and structural integrity when force is applied, safeguarding the containerโ€™s contents from contamination and promoting product safety.

The process detailed in the ASTM F2824 testing standard begins with the preparation of sample containers, at which point the containers are filled with the product they will contain or a comparable substitute. The sample container is then sealed. ATSโ€™ testing experts condition the samples to simulate the conditions and scenarios the product will face over the course of its normal lifespan to ensure that the test results are representative of actual use conditions.

The sample is then put into a tensile testing machine designed to apply a controlled force to the edge of the peelable lid in a pulling motion. This process simulates the peeling action, or steady-state peel force, a consumer would use to open the package. Our technicians document the force required to initiate the peel, or peak peel force, as well as the force needed to continue peeling the lid from the container. These measurements show the exact amount of force required to properly operate the lid and remove the seal.

ASTM 2824 testing then analyzes the potential for seal failure caused by unintentional forces, including adhesive failure, cohesive failure, and substrate failure. Various forces are applied to the sample to replicate the conditions commonly experienced in transit as well. ATSโ€™ experts use the yielded data to show clients any potential weaknesses in their packaging design or materials, allowing for product redesign and improvements.

Testing to ASTM Standards at ATS

Applied Technical Services conducts a wide range of testing services to ASTM standards. Some of our most frequently requested services include testing to the following standards:

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies

With over five decades of industry experience, state-of-the-art testing facilities and laboratories around the country, ISO 9001:2015 registration and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation, and some of the best testing experts in the nation, the Applied Technical Services Family of Companies is known for providing clients with highest levels of customer satisfaction and service quality. Get in touch with a member of our customer service team today by callingย 1 (888) 287-5227ย to schedule service or request a free quote.

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