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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) evaluates the effectiveness of medical packaging seals in compliance with ASTM F1929 testing services.

What is ASTM F1929?

The American Society for Testing and Materials established ASTM F1929 as the standard test method for using dye penetration to detect seal leaks in porous medical packaging. The standard is effective at identifying the presence of leaks within packageโ€™s seal. ASTM F1929 consists of three procedures, each with its unique benefits.

Procedure A: Injection Method

Procedure A is the injection method, and it requires that technicians inject the dye penetrant solution into the package before examining the package and its seal for any signs of leakage.

Procedure B:ย  Edge Drip Method

During procedure B, technicians pour a dye solution into a container, covering the containerโ€™s bottom surface. Next, the technicians dip the package sealโ€™s outer edge into the dye until the entire length of the seal contacts the dye. Finally, technicians carefully evaluate the product in search of any signs of dye penetration.

Procedure C: Eyedropper Method

During procedure C, technicians use an eyedropper to apply a dye solution to a packageโ€™s seal. After applying the dye, technicians carefully examine the seal for any signs of a leak.

Our ASTM F1929 Testing Services

Our package testing experts have quite a bit of relevant experience providing ASTM-compliant services, such as ASTM F1929. We carefully conduct tests to ensure that our clients develop product packages that keep products safe from contaminants that may compromise a productโ€™s quality or safety. Upon completion of the ASTM F1929 test, we offer the package a pass or fail grade, depending on its effectiveness during the testing trials.

Why is Porous Medical Package Testing Important?

Medical device package testing is an important factor in preserving the sterility of medical devices. If packaged poorly, medical devices may encounter harmful microorganisms that can cause infections in patients. In addition to helping to ensure the safety of medical devices, porous medical package testing also helps to do the following:

  • Maintain quality control
  • Avoid product recalls and legal consequences
  • Ensure product compliance with standards and regulations
  • Sustain or increase consumer confidence in your product or brand

Contact Us

For more information regarding our ASTM-compliant packing testing services, please submit an online request or call +1 (888) 287-5227.

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