RTS provides predictive technology services to industrial and commercial clients. They use nondestructive monitoring techniques to determine the current condition of clients’ machines. Their qualified and certified technicians perform a full range of equipment reliability testing. RTS also offers training to clients with established predictive maintenance programs. ATS acquired Reliability Testing Services in 2018.
On-Line Motor Testing
- Eccentricity
- Power Quality Snap-Shot
- Rotor Testing
- Electrical Surveys
- Mechanical Surveys
- Skin Surveys
- Thermographic Testing
Motor Circuit Evaluation
- Motor Circuit Evaluation
- Polorization Indexing
- Standard AC Motor Test
Vibration Analysis
- Detecting Potential Machine Component Failure Before the Failure Occurs
- Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring
- Vibration Monitoring Services
Training Services
- AC/DC Theory and Applications
- Infrared Thermography
- PdM Program Implementation
- Synchronous Motor Theory and Applications
- Vibration Analysis
- Failure Prevention
- Machine Reliability
Passive Ultrasonics
- Electrical Faults
- Mechanical Faults
- Passive Ultrasonic Listening
Reliability Testing
- Condition Monitoring Services
- Multiple Technologies
- Short and Long Term