Acoustic Vibration Monitoring

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies offers acoustic vibration monitoring services that detect the source of vibrations caused by equipment and machinery.

What is Acoustic Vibration Monitoring?
Acoustic vibration monitoring, or passive ultrasonic listening, is an effective alternative to infrared thermography in situations where safety hazards, such as high-voltage enclosures are present. Acoustic vibrations are caused by friction between moving parts such as couplings and bearings, and the presence of vibrations may be a sign of significant underlying issues, so it’s important to identify the source of vibrations.
Our Acoustic Vibration Monitoring Services
Our highly trained acoustic vibration experts help our clients evaluate the status of their equipment, offering a safe and effective way to locate the sources of unwanted and excessive vibrations. Our advanced acoustic vibration monitoring systems allow our technicians to detect concerning sounds in noisy, industrial environments where problematic sounds may be too sensitive to be registered by human ears.
Why is it Important to Monitor Acoustic Vibrations?
Acoustic vibration monitoring is an effective way to monitor the condition of industrial equipment without the need for manual diagnostic testing or visual inspections. Our services help our clients do the following:
About the ATS FoC
The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies provides professional inspection, testing, calibration, and consulting engineering services to commercial clients in various industries. Our professional and prompt services help companies improve their products and qualify them for the marketplace. Our service process is always transparent as we keep our clients informed about our progress, findings, and any new developments regarding their projects. To ensure that our clients receive satisfactory service from each of our labs, we offer the following:
Please submit a digital web request form or call +1 (888) 287-5227 for additional information regarding our acoustic vibration monitoring services.

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Reliability Engineering Services