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The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) evaluates human joint prosthesis in accordance with the ASTM F2025 wear assessment of polymeric components testing standard.

What is ASTM F2025?

ASTM F2025 explains how to use a weight-loss method to evaluate the wear experienced by the polymeric components used in a human joint prosthesis. During the procedure, technicians apply serum or a similar lubricating liquid to the joint prosthesis before subjecting it to a predetermined load profile. The procedure simulates the tribological conditions of the human joint by creating conditions that mimic the wear mechanisms of the human hip. The progressive wear induced by the ASTM F2025 procedure removes polymeric debris from the device, resulting in weight loss of the specimen.

The Importance of Medical Device Testing

Medical devices are instruments, appliances, and implants used to prevent, diagnose, and treat chronic conditions, ailments, and injuries. These devices improve the quality of life for medical professionals and patients worldwide and are essential to modern healthcare. Medical devices undergo mandatory tests and evaluations to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with relevant regulations and standards. Failure to properly test a medical device will result in the device being ineligible for clinical use and a poorly designed device could put patients at risk.

More About Our Medical Device Testing Laboratories

Our medical device testing lab assists clients as they develop and design their products and qualify them for FDA approval. Our experienced material testing professionals evaluate the safety and functionality of numerous medical devices, including spinal, dental, and joint implants. In addition to ASTM F2025, we provide various ASTM-compliant joint replacement testing services, including:

  • ASTM F1357: Articulating Total Wrist Implant Testing
  • ASTM F1378: Shoulder Prosthesis Testing
  • ASTM F1714: Gravimetric Wear Assessment of Prosthetic Hip Designs
  • ASTM F1781: Elastomeric Flexible Hinge Finger Total Joint Implants Testing

The ATS FoC Experience

The ATS FoC is a trusted partner for commercial and industrial companies nationwide. We house several ISO/IEC 17025 accredited facilities specializing in chemical, electrical, mechanical, and nondestructive testing for various industries. We take pride in our customer-centric approach to business, and our staff is always eager to find solutions that address our client’s concerns. Please call +1 (888) 287-5227 or submit a web request to receive a free quote for our ASTM F2025 testing services.

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