Ultrasonic Meter Calibration

The Applied Technical Services Family of Companies (FoC) conducts ultrasonic meter calibrations to ensure the accuracy and reliability of ultrasonic flow meters.

What is an Ultrasonic Flow Meter?
An ultrasonic flow meter is a volumetric flow meter that uses ultrasound technology to measure a fluid’s velocity. Ultrasonic flow meters attach to the pipe’s exterior, allowing the device to measure the velocity of corrosive liquids without incurring damage. Several industries rely on ultrasonic flow meters, including the following:
Why is it Important to Calibrate Ultrasonic Flow Meters?

Ultrasonic flow meters ensure that pipes maintain a precise flow rate throughout operation. Although manufacturers calibrate their flow meters in-house following production, the meter’s accuracy will deteriorate over time with repeated use. Several other factors can contribute to a flow meter’s inaccuracy, including the following:

The Benefits of Ultrasonic Meter Calibration
Ultrasonic meter calibrations help flow meter manufacturers and operators do the following:
Our Flow Calibration Services
We operate numerous high-quality calibration systems that enable us to calibrate an extensive list of equipment, including:

We offer calibration services for a wide range of manufacturers, including: 

Our Commitment to Quality
The ATS FoC is an established and well-respected enterprise comprising a collective of companies specializing in consulting engineering, inspection, testing, and calibration. Our highly trained staff works closely with clients to develop strategies and services that address their project’s specific needs professionally and urgently. We maintain multiple A2LA-accredited labs with state-of-the-art technology to carry out precise and complex services. Please consider Applied Technical Services for your ultrasonic meter calibration needs and call +1 (888) 287-5227 or complete an online request form for a free quote.

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